Weight Loss
These are the files in this section:
Acid Foods Alkaline Diet and Its Benefits Alkaline Foods Alkaline Diet vs. Paleo Diet Apple Cider Detox Drink Banana Oatmeal Smoothie /recipes/Weight Loss/Chicken Body Cleansing Diet Flax and Blueberry Vanilla Overnight Oats Gluten Allergy Loose Weight /recipes/Weight Loss/Main Dishes Oil Pulling Orange Push-Up Smoothie Smoothie Southwestern Sweet Potato Noodle Bowls Spiced Weight Loss Tea Fat-Burning, Metabolism-Boosting, Detox "Special Tea" Weight Loss Water
Weight Loss
- Drink plenty of water
- Drink a glass of water when you first wake up. This will help jump start your metabolism and wake your body up faster.
- Drink a half a glass of water before each meal. Doing this will make you eat less because your stomach will already have something in it.
- It moves food through your system more quickly.
- Avoid carbohydrates after lunchtime since inactivity causes the carbohydrates to turn into fat.
- Eat lean protein (baked chicken) and vegetables for dinner instead of starches.
- Eliminate processed foods and drinks from your diet.
- Avoid foods laden with sugar; empty calories and processed ingredients
- refined flours and grains
- sweeteners, including artificial ones
- white potatoes
- fast foods and fried foods
- high-salt foods
- juice
- Add fiber to your diet.
- Consume fruits, vegetables and whole grains
- 30 to 50 grams of fiber every day
- Exercise no later than three hours before bedtime.
- Exercise helps you burn more calories than you are consuming to lose weight, and exercise to help you burn more calories while losing water weight from sweat.
- Eat Fat Releaser Foods
- Calcium helps control
- dairy - 3 servings daily significantly reduces body fat
- drink fat free milk after resistance training and again 1 hour after the workout increase fat loss, gain muscle and strength and strengthen bones
- greens
- yogurt
- milk
- cheeses
- Brazil nuts
- Parmesan
- Swiss
- Fetta
- mozarella
- red wine - antioxidant is a fat releaser
- coconut oil
- olives
- olive oil
- nuts
- seeds
- dark chocolate
- avocados
- protein
- beans
- nuts
- steak
- eggs
- lentils
- poultry
- fish
- vitamin c
- broccoli rabe
- escarole
- citrus
- red peppers
- cantaloupe
- kiwi
- strawberries
- Quinoa
- Honey
- Cocoa
- Fiber
- garlic
- rosemary
- escarole
- ricotta cheese
- black pepper
- tomatos
- almonds
- Vinegar - can lessen the glycemic effect of a meal
- Calcium helps control